Top 4 growth industries in Mexico

7 09 2006

I’m often asked what opportunities are available in Mexico. My answer is always the same. Mexico has enormous potential and many opportunities for business.

A better question is “what do you want to sell or invest in”? Without a doubt you will find that Mexico is a receptive market.

Here is my list of the top 4 industries and areas with great growth potential in Mexico.

The top 4 growth industries in Mexico

Construction – You name it and it will be built in Mexico in the coming years. Mega-infrastructure projects (electric plants, hydroelectric dams, highways, airports, marinas and ports, petroleum extraction), commercial, industrial and office construction and residential projects can be found in abundance throughout the country.

Tourism – Big push to develop tourism from the Federal, State and local governments. Tourism is a priority item on government agendas including: high-end hotels and resorts, sports and eco-tourism, business and professional events. Mexico has perfect weather, incredible rich history, open and accessible culture, thousands of miles of beaches, deserts and jungle, and easy access to the USA and Canada.

Medical and Pharmaceutical – Another government priority. Emphasis on preventative medicine and improving the quality of life provides rich areas of opportunity. The demographics in Mexico show that the market is growing and will continue to do so.

Security – This industry will remain strong and show exceptional growth in the future. There is strong demand by private industry, government, telecomunications and computer-related activities, the financial industry, international commerce, and the transportation industry to name but a few.