Marketers beware

27 03 2007

This is embarrassing.

A Corporate public relations nightmare.

Incompetence at a very high degree.

I suppose it makes it more incredible and shocking that GlaxoSmithKline was caught in a lie about the ingredients of its product by two 14 year old girls in high school chemistry class.

Ribena caught out by schoolgirls 

How does a product get approved, manufactured, marketed and sold without someone asking if it really is what it is?

Where are the controls and communication between the production, the executive office and the marketing people?

What responsibility does marketing have to verify information and take responsibility for misleading the consumer?

This is fraud and unethical behaviour at an enormous level or incompetence at ridiculous proportions.

Adding insult to injury is the fine of USD $ 156,000.00 and an apology by GSK as the remedy.

Seems like a very small slap on the wrist for fraudulent advertising, incompetence and deceiving the public.

Perhaps that small risk and penalty is what drove them to take the decision to lie in the first place?

Related Links

CNN- Ribena caught out by schoolgirls 

How we react to unethical actions and behaviour

Is your company noble, moral, ethical or virtuous